Churches, government, non-profits & others seek others to take more responsibility for "The Houseless"
It is overwhelmingly sad and even sick that even one such article has to ever be written as the one below.
First of all, any 501(c)(3) - non-profit - which propaganda's itself as being our Creators church, knows that to be in accordance with True Scripture, they are to be as what is listed to the left of this article. (MANS' CHURCHES TAKE NOTICE")
"The Houseless" has found in real time experience that most churches aren't helping "The Houseless" without getting something that benefits them.
To even try to put blame elsewhere for others not doing their fair share, is in one way, taking focus away on ones own responsibilities.
The crazy notion would be for ALL people who claim to be "Chrisitian", to actually do in accordance with Scripture, thus being "About it". Then, and only then, perhaps the rise in "The Houseless" will take a turn in the other direction.
It's up to us all to "Be About It".
Posted by
Letters Coordinator
Everyone should contribute
If you want to know what is next in helping people who are homeless,
your paper might promote an increase in county and city taxes that would
be allocated specifically for more emergency services and affordable
housing. [“Editorial: Who will step up to help the homeless?”, Opinion, Aug. 4.]
Across the board, churches and faith-based organizations already
carry their fair share and more in providing emergency services for
homeless people.
The responsibility of addressing this crisis in our community rests
with the entire population of King County and the city of Seattle,
especially those residents whose annual income exceeds $100,000.
Increased revenue through equitable taxation is the fairest way to
share in this responsibility. Your question, “Who will step up to help
the homeless?” can be answered in one word: Everyone!
Rev. Ron Moe-Lobeda, University Lutheran Church, Seattle
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Hannah Saito, 12, prays at Community Dinners church at the Bitter Lake Community Center on May 19. [Erika Schultz, The Seattle Times.] |
Regional efforts must continue
Today I saw one of my neighbors at a University District church’s
feeding program for people who are homeless and otherwise in need. He
wasn’t there as a volunteer; he came to get a meal.
I was surprised, until I thought about the effect of the recession on
middle- and low-income people. Locally, one in five children is at risk
of hunger, according to United Way of King County. The lack of
affordable housing in this area, coupled with high unemployment, is a
major barrier to economic stability.
I’m troubled by this editorial and by some of our Seattle City
Council members, who prefer foisting responsibility from government onto
churches — who are already doing so much to provide food and shelter —
and pitting Seattle against neighboring cities.
To end hunger and homelessness, we need continued efforts as a
region, with government, faith communities, nonprofits, private funders
and individual residents all unified against poverty.
Catherine Hinrichsen, Seattle
Lest we not forget!
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